Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 2e - 龜

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-11-15T20:02

Table of Contents

書名:Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 2e

作者:Molly Varga BVetMed CertZooMed DZooMed (Mammalian) MRCVS

售價:4600元 (舊客戶有優惠價格)

購買請連繫:[email protected] or 站內信
來信請提供基本資料:姓名 電話 地址 email

咖鎂啦奇異動物書坊 (兔科書籍85折起)


Part I: Rabbit Basic Science

Chapter 1 - Rabbit Basic Science, Pages

Part II: Rabbit Medicine

Chapter 2 - Clinical Pathology

Chapter 3 - Therapeutics

Chapter 4 - Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Chapter 5 - Dental Disease

Chapter 6 - Abscesses

Chapter 7 - Skin Diseases

Chapter 8 - Digestive Disorders

Chapter 9 - Ophthalmic Diseases

Chapter 10 - Neurological and Locomotor Disorders

Chapter 11 - Cardiorespiratory Disease

Chapter 12 - Urogenital Diseases

Chapter 13 - General Surgical Principles and Neutering

Chapter 14 - Infectious Diseases of Domestic Rabbits

Chapter 15 - Post-mortem Examination of Bad Rabbits

The new Textbook of Rabbit Medicine draws on the latest information from
around the world to make it a truly global resource on all aspects of rabbit
medicine and health. It will continue to be indispensable to veterinary
surgeons in general practice, veterinary students, referral veterinarians
specializing in exotic pets, and veterinary surgeons studying for
certificates in advanced veterinary practice.

The book is carefully constructed to allow for the biology, husbandry and
clinical techniques that pertain to rabbit medicine to be treated
comprehensively and conveniently. Clinical chapters follow a logical
progression from clinical pathology, through anaesthesia, therapeutics and
diseases covered by body system, to surgery and post-mortem examination.

The author offers a strong emphasis on clinical practice to ensure the
content is as practically useful and accessible as possible. Key points boxes
integrated throughout the book provide a stand-alone précis of important
subjects. New clinical techniques boxes are packed with tips from a
practising expert who regularly applies this same information in practice.

Comprehensive, in-depth and authoritative coverage of the health and diseases
of the domestic rabbit
Detailed and explicit line artwork provides a clear understanding of
physiological processes
A practical, evidence-based resource for the effective treatment of pet
New to the second edition

A new expert author revises and reframes the original classic text for
today's practitioners and students
Content is thoroughly updated to include the latest drugs, anaesthetics and
A new full-colour design is used to improve access and navigability
Many new colour illustrations and diagrams throughout help emphasize and
clarify key content
The book's additional clinical emphasis makes this edition more practical
than ever before!



All Comments


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-11-12T20:02
今年從學長那拿到了斑龜 差不多半蛤手掌大 後來暑假添了一隻幼龜 目前只有擺放石頭然後加水 最近天氣越來越冷了 烏龜活動力有點差 平常都不太活動 小隻的平常都在石頭上 大隻的都泡在水中 想請問板上各位 要注意什麼事情嗎 謝謝 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2014-11-10T23:36
※ [本文轉錄自 Aquarium 看板 #1KNjInIA ] 作者: flydragon198 (Richard) 看板: Aquarium 標題: [閒聊] DIY過濾 時間: Sun Nov 9 10:42:52 2014 Diy 類圓桶過濾/外部過濾,前幾天做的 其實這跟圓桶過濾應該有點不 ...

烏龜 行經慢車道...

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-11-10T23:19
※ [本文轉錄自 biker 看板 #1KODKEuQ ] 作者: rsz723 (度度) 看板: biker 標題: [閒聊] 烏龜 行經慢車道... 時間: Mon Nov 10 23:08:58 2014 半夜有家人掛急診~早上7點回家時後... 高雄 中華路右轉民生路那邊(圖書館前方)... ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2014-11-09T23:09
晚上沒有加班比較早回家的話,就會把在陽台睡覺的阿龜挖起來玩(?) 我們可以坐在客廳地板上這樣玩很久XDD 影片 http://ppt.cc/Lqv8 不得不說阿龜真的很愛撒嬌 有圖為証 http://ppt.cc/aKva - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2014-11-09T16:16
你有在野外看過食蛇龜嗎? 現在好多人在抓食蛇龜,走私到中國去 可能當食物(龜苓膏)、寵物、或者是拿來炒作價格等 可是現在法律不嚴謹,我們需要增訂走私未遂罰則 減緩這種萌呆萌呆的動物永遠消失在野外的速度 http://www.lca.org.tw/action/motivate/5307?nocache=1 ...