The unwanted ending … inbreeding 近親繁殖 - 貂

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-07-24T14:40

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The unwanted ending … inbreeding

The modern ferret is becoming increasingly removed from its original
genetic pool by breeding, including inbreeding, for certain features. The
ferret genetic pool needs refreshment by outbreeding to new ferret lines.
The outlook for the Australian scene is that we had a variety of ferret
(ferret-polecat?) strains coming in during the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries but no new bloodlines have been introduced for some
decades. We have had years of interbreeding with this basic stock, but the
danger is genetic weakness and inbreeding effects.
We could consider that there is a population of inbred ferrets in
WesternAustralia (where I live) and another in distant Tasmania where
Christina Bernard with her interest in ferret genetics, lives. We would
like to improve Australian ferrets by introduction of new blood lines but
quarantine laws do not allow this. The possibility of inadvertent
introduction of Aleutian disease, a chronic parvovirus disease, would be
devastating (Ch. 8).
Bernard considers that genetic fitness has no correlation with physical
fitness and is the overall ability to leave surviving offspring who themselves
will be able to reproduce themselves successfully. The signs of inbreeding
would show as reduced fertility, increased congenital defects, 'bent-nose'
condition, lower birth rate, higher neonatal mortality, smaller adult size
and loss of immune system function. Some of these traits had been found in
the Russian domestication experiments. 近親繁殖會造成生育力降低、先天基因缺陷
The outcome for individuals with 'weak' genes is a deficient immunological
system unable to prevent infecti on particularly by viruses. 缺乏免疫系統無法
防止感染,尤其是經由病毒感染的疾病。 Inbred laboratory animals, mice, etc.
need to be in a sterile environment. 需在無菌的環境裡 Endangered wild animals,
in decreased numbers, are at risk of being wiped out by epidemics due to
decreased immunological protection caused by unavoidable inbreed.
The function of the immune system is to recognize foreign invaders
to the body and destroy them by producing antibodies. The ability of the
immune system to recognize foreign antigens depends on the genetic diversity
of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. These are positioned
close together on one chromosome and are inherited together as a unit called
a haplotype. The MHC of a ferret is polygenetic with many genes and the
alleles of each MHC gene are numerous within a population; it is polymorphic.
Each ferret has two MHC haplotypes, one from each parent. The alleles of
both haplotypes are expressed in a co-dominant manner, so greater diversity
between the parents' haplotypes will give the offspring a better functioning
immune system. Ferrets in an inbred population, with less diverse haplotypes,
are at risk of being unable to recognize and respond to the challenge of
In the wild, the alleles will be numerous and variable adding to the
genetic mix of the species concerned. In the event of disease, individuals
of the species would survive as they would have the right mix of genes to
overcome the infection and would pass that to their offspring, so more and
more pathogens would be recognizable. It is considered that over time, the
DNA can get stronger by changing or mutation and natural selection working
on the changes. In fact, the MHC genes do have a high mutation rate as they
are essential for species survival.

以上文字來自 Ferret Husbandry, Medicine and Surgery



All Comments


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-07-23T11:23
販賣:貂 數量/(公母):一枚可愛的香檳公貂 價錢:9000 所在地區:台南,八月中會上台北 交易方式:面交 爸爸是JENNY HOUSE的飛白 ( KING+奶油) 媽媽是台北林先生的兩隻公母貂 帶有安哥拉基因 照片在 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-07-19T17:41
暱 稱:小胖 學校/職業:公館大學/研究生 所在地區:台北 年 齡:23 性 別:男 目前飼養的動物: 米克斯貓/中中/公/5歲 其他(興趣): 運動 宅 我想跟Exotic_Pet板友分享: 不好意思阿各位atat 我知道我來這邊有點格格不入,不過事實上是因為我朋友昨天在 台北寵物展買了一隻雪貂,結果拿回家的相處中遇到家人與寵物狗間的技術問題, ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-07-19T16:59
暱 稱:表妹 學校/職業:中山醫大 所在地區:台中(學校)/台北(家) 年 齡:不像22歲的22歲 性 別:女 目前飼養的動物: 米克斯貓/喵喵/女生/10 曾經飼養的動物:蒙眼貂/哈娜/6 (前陣子走的QQ) 倉鼠、魚類、蠑螈、兔子、蜥蜴 其他(興趣):養寵物、日劇、漫畫 我想跟Exotic_P ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-07-18T13:36
有人的貂兒現在還在掉毛嗎0.0? 因為之前兩隻已經脫過一次毛~ 現在一堆毛球~因為是亞安哥拉貂~~ - ...

寵物折疊提籃 台北、桃園、台南可面交

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-07-18T00:46 無名有照片可以看~~ 這是我在寵展看到的 原價是790 這款提包可以耐中5-6公斤 合購到20↑可以壓到550 不知道有沒有版有喜歡需要? 可以在無名留言~ 550包含箱子、揹帶、把手保護套、內裡墊 喜歡可以在無名留言~ -- 可愛又調皮的貂蠻公主 快來瞧瞧他們可愛的模樣 h ...