中翻英(國一和國二的範圍) - 寵物

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-08-02T00:00

Table of Contents

1. Jack不要一直講電話.
2. 你看!他們正坐在樹底下聊天
3. 這可憐的老人又累又餓.
4. A:這是我的寵物龜,Buddy. B:牠好可愛哦!
5. A:你媽媽在週末通常很忙嗎? B:不,她通常是有空的.
6. 他一天餵狗一次或兩次.
7. 今晚誰得照顧你的弟弟?
8. 你們為什麼須要這麼多的雞肉和魚?
9. A:他仍然很帥嗎? B:我不知道.那是很久以前的事了.
10. 去年冬天台灣天氣很冷嗎?
11. A:媽,我的鞋子在哪裡? B:不是在你的床底下嗎?
12. A:那個女巫師又老又醜嗎? B:不,她又年輕又漂亮.
13. 籃球比賽快到了,他們正在練習打籃球.
14. 也許他正在房間尋找他的手機.
15. 同學們上課時間到了,請打開你們的書本到11頁.
16. David上課中不要說話!
17. 我們去餐廳吃些特別的東西吧!
18. 這手機是三年前爺爺給我的禮物
19. 你的家人通常每天早上幾點用早餐?
20. 我哥哥每天上網和打電動.
21. 我的姑姑正在客廳裡講給故事
22. A:棒球賽再十二點半. B:我等不及了!
23. 今天天氣真熱. B:我們去泳游吧.
24. 一月二十一日是我們的校慶園遊會.
25. 我的父母空閒時喜歡拍照.
26. 讓我們繼續練習打球.
27. Andy收及籃球卡,他至少有兩千張.
28. 我喜歡美術,但是體育才是我的最愛.
29. 我們在下一站下車吧.
30. 我爸爸通常搭公車去辦公室.
31. 對了,你妹妹每天喝幾瓶的水?
32. 我需要十顆蛋和二袋麵粉.
33. A:一碗年肉麵要多少錢? B:要一百五十元.
34. 你沒有帶足夠的錢嗎?
35. 今天咖啡在特價嗎?
36. 這家店的蘋果真的太貴了.

All Comments

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2009-08-04T13:45
1. Jack, don't keep talking on the phone.
2. Look! They are sitting and chatting under the tree.
3. The poor old man is tired and hungry.
4. A: This is my pet turtle, Buddy. B: How cute it is!
5. A: Is your mother usually busy on the weekends? B: No, she's usually free.
6. He feeds his dog once or twice a day.
7. Who has to take care of your brother tonight?
8. Why do you need so much chicken and fish?
9. A: Is he still handsome? B: I don't know. It was such a long time ago.
10. Was it cold in Taiwan last winter?
11. A: Mom, where are my shoes? B: Aren't they under your bed.
12. A: Is the witch old and ugly? B: No, she's young and pretty.
13. The basketball game is coming, and they are practicing playing basketball.
14. Maybe he is looking for his cell phone in his room.
15. It's class time, class. Please open your book to page 11.
16. Don't talk at class, David!
17. Let's eat gp eat something special in the restaurant!
18. The cell phone was a present my grandpa gave me three year ago.
19. What time do your family usually have breakfast every morning?
20. My elder brother surves the internet and plays online games every day.
21. My aunt is telling stories in the living room.
22. A: The baseball game is at twelve-thirty. B: I can't wait!
23. A: It's so hot today. B: Let's go swimming.
24. January 21 is the day for our school anniversary campus party.
25. My parants like taking pictures when they are free.
26. Let's keep practicing playing ball.
27. Andy collects basketball cards, and he has at least two thousand pieces.
28. I like art, but P.E. is my favorite.
29. Let's get off at the next stop.
30. My father usually takes a bus to his office.
31. By the way, how many bottles of water does your sister drink every day?
32. I need twelve eggs and two bags of flour.
33. A: How much is a bowl of beef noodles? B: It's one hundred and fifty dollars.
34. Didn't you bring enough money?
35. Is the coffee on sale today?
36. The apples in this store are too expensive.
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-08-02T01:50
1. Jack不要一直講電話.
Jack, dont't have he telephone.
2. 你看!他們正坐在樹底下聊天
Look! They are sitting under the tree chat .
3. 這可憐的老人又累又餓.
This pitiful old person is tired and hungry.
pitiful :可憐的,令人同情的
4. A:這是我的寵物龜,Buddy. B:牠好可愛哦!
A: This is my pet turtle, Buddy.
B: It is so cute!
5. A:你媽媽在週末通常很忙嗎? B:不,她通常是有空的.
A: Is your mom usually busy on weekends?
B: NO, she usually has free time on weekend.
6. 他一天餵狗一次或兩次.
He feed the dog once or twice in one day.
Who was taking care of your brother this evening?
8. 你們為什麼需要這麼多的雞肉和魚?
Why do you need so many chicken and fish?
9. A:他仍然很帥嗎? B:我不知道.那是很久以前的事了.
A: Is he still very handsome?
B: I don't know. It was a long time ago .
10. 去年冬天台灣天氣很冷嗎?
Was Taiwan weather very cold Last winter?
11. A:媽,我的鞋子在哪裡? B:不是在你的床底下嗎?
A: Mom, where's my shoes?
B: Is not in your bed ?
12. A:那個女巫師又老又醜嗎? B:不,她又年輕又漂亮.
A: Is that witch old and ugly?
B: No, she is young and beautiful.
13. 籃球比賽快到了,他們正在練習打籃球.
Basketball game is coming, they are playing basketball practice.
14. 也許他正在房間尋找他的手機.
Maybe he is finding his cell phone in the room.
15. 同學們上課時間到了,請打開你們的書本到11頁.
Students,it's time to school hours, please open your books to page 11.
16. David上課中不要說話!
David, don't spak in the class!
17. 我們去餐廳吃些特別的東西吧!
We go to restaurants to eat something in specail !
18. 這手機是三年前爺爺給我的禮物
This cell phone is the present that my grandfather has gave three years ago.
19. 你的家人通常每天早上幾點用早餐?
What time do your family usually eat breakfast in the morning?
20. 我哥哥每天上網和打電動.
My old brother is sufering and playing games everyday.
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-08-03T11:12
1. Jack不要一直講電話.
Jack, dont't have he telephone.
2. 你看!他們正坐在樹底下聊天
Look! They are sitting under the tree chat .
3. 這可憐的老人又累又餓.
This pitiful old person is tired and hungry.
pitiful :可憐的,令人同情的
4. A:這是我的寵物龜,Buddy. B:牠好可愛哦!
A: This is my pet turtle, Buddy.
B: It is so cute!

5. A:你媽媽在週末通常很忙嗎? B:不,她通常是有空的.
A: Is your mom usually busy on weekends?
B: NO, she usually has free time on weekend.
6. 他一天餵狗一次或兩次.
He feed the dog once or twice in one day.
Who was taking care of your brother this evening?
8. 你們為什麼需要這麼多的雞肉和魚?
Why do you need so many chicken and fish?
9. A:他仍然很帥嗎? B:我不知道.那是很久以前的事了.
A: Is he still very handsome?
B: I don't know. It was a long time ago .
10. 去年冬天台灣天氣很冷嗎?
Was Taiwan weather very cold Last winter?
11. A:媽,我的鞋子在哪裡? B:不是在你的床底下嗎?
A: Mom, where's my shoes?
B: Is not in your bed ?
12. A:那個女巫師又老又醜嗎? B:不,她又年輕又漂亮.
A: Is that witch old and ugly?
B: No, she is young and beautiful.
13. 籃球比賽快到了,他們正在練習打籃球.
Basketball game is coming, they are playing basketball practice.
14. 也許他正在房間尋找他的手機.
Maybe he is finding his cell phone in the room.
15. 同學們上課時間到了,請打開你們的書本到11頁.
Students,it's time to school hours, please open your books to page 11.
16. David上課中不要說話!
David, don't spak in the class!
17. 我們去餐廳吃些特別的東西吧!
We go to restaurants to eat something in specail !
18. 這手機是三年前爺爺給我的禮物
This cell phone is the present that my grandfather has gave three years ago.
19. 你的家人通常每天早上幾點用早餐?
What time do your family usually eat breakfast in the morning?
20. 我哥哥每天上網和打電動.
My old brother is sufering and playing games everyday.
2009-08-02 14:20:35 補充:
21. 我的姑姑正在客廳裡講給故事
My aunt is telling the story in the living room .
22. A:棒球賽在十二點半. B:我等不及了!
A: The baseball game at 12:30.
B: I can't wait!
23. 今天天氣真熱. B:我們去泳游吧.
A: Today is hot!
B: We are going swimming.
24. 一月二十一日是我們的校慶園遊會.
January 21 is the anniversary of our school.
2009-08-02 14:20:41 補充:
25. 我的父母空閒時喜歡拍照.
My parents like to take pictures when they are free
26. 讓我們繼續練習打球.
Let us continue to practice to play.
27. Andy收及籃球卡,他至少有兩千張.
Andy collects basketball card, he at least 2000.
28. 我喜歡美術,但是體育才是我的最愛.
I like art, but my favorite is sport.
29. 我們在下一站下車吧.
We get off at the next bar.
2009-08-02 14:21:33 補充:
30. 我爸爸通常搭公車去辦公室.
My father is usually takeing the bus to the office.
2009-08-02 14:21:38 補充:
32. 我需要十顆蛋和二袋麵粉.
I need ten eggs and two bags of flour .
33. A:一碗年肉麵要多少錢? B:要一百五十元.
A: How much does it cost a bowl of beef noodles?
B: 150 dollars.
2009-08-02 14:21:52 補充:
31. 對了,你妹妹每天喝幾瓶的水?
Well, how many bottles of water does your sister drink a day?
2009-08-02 14:22:11 補充:
34. 你沒有帶足夠的錢嗎?
Don't you bring enough money?
35. 今天咖啡在特價嗎?
In this special coffee today?
36. 這家店的蘋果真的太貴了.
The store's apples are really expensive.


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-08-01T00:00
掉毛�� ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-08-01T00:00
誠如標題 梅崗城故事中
那台灣如果有陪審 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-08-01T00:00
但我媽媽說:養貓你要自己顧好,不要到最後是你在跟她玩我在幫你顧,但基本上我媽怕 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-08-01T00:00
我要的養寵物遊戲是1.不用下載 2.要好玩部會無聊
就這兩條條件而已 各位大哥大姊請回答我拜託拜託


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2009-08-01T00:00
4.家裡有狗和貓在養刺�� ...