你的貓咪聰明到會玩貓食投幣機嗎? - 貓

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2016-02-10T22:30

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Ben Millam who refers to himself as an “aspiring geek” built an incredible
machine that takes cat feeding to a whole new level. He trained his cat Monke
y to look for plastic balls hidden around the house and throw them into the m
achine. Once the machine recognizes the RFID-tagged balls, the feeder is acti
vated and the ball is filled with cat treats.

Monkey was trained using ‘clicker’ training that is based on associating a
desirable behaviour with a distinctive click and a reward. It took some time
and patience but as Millam says, Monkey successfully managed to put up with a
ll his experiments.

“This all started after I read an explanation of why cats go about repeatedl
y exploring the same areas: it’s partly to establish and survey their territ
ory, but they’re also practicing ‘mobile’ hunting,” Millam said. “So wha
t if my cat, while out on patrol, actually found its prey? Surely this would
bring him one step closer towards a more fulfilled and self-actualized indoor
kitty existence.”


All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2016-02-12T21:57
好好笑 這貓一定想說槓 吃個飯還要集滿三顆龍珠
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-02-16T01:38
xDD絲毫看不到 搜集成功滿足的臉
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-02-19T12:40
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-02-22T23:51
喵在屋簷下 不得不撿球

臺北 二手貓咪飲水機

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2016-02-10T21:32
因為家裡的飲水機馬達壞了,所以想問有沒有人家裡有用不到的貓咪飲水機可以轉售呢? 有飲水機之後喝水量真的增加超多~ 請來信報價附照片:) 有喜歡就會回,謝謝! - ...

家裡貓咪用不到的東西 便宜出清

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2016-02-10T21:14
物品名稱:1.貓玩具 2.吃飯喝水的碗 尺寸大小: 1.25公分*25公分 2.如照片 到期日:無 商品描述:算是單軌道球的玩具 照片: http://i.imgur.com/T99PhB2.jpg http://i.imgur.co ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-02-10T21:10
物品名稱:健康主義(魚肉南瓜)x2、win(雞肉鮭魚)x1、smile(雞肉)x1,均主食罐。 尺寸大小: 185g 85g 185g 到期日: 2018.08.26 2017.03.21 2017. ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2016-02-10T20:27
感謝版友熱情回應,看過精華區文章後,加上預算考量,決定改成吃pure,看看毛小孩喜 不喜歡:) 濟公貓 http://i.imgur.com/CC7ykPE.jpg -------------------------------------- 大家好,想請問一下,寶多福的貓飼料哪裡可以買得到?我家的貓咪只 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2016-02-10T19:50
您好我住中壢,請問賣出了嗎?謝謝 引述《asdyi (asdyi)》之銘言: : 物品名稱:BOXIECAT博識貓砂*1 : 尺寸大小:16磅/7.26公斤 : 到期日: : 商品描述:主子對礦砂過敏...已換其他貓砂,故售出 : 照片:商品介紹→http://www.hapet.com.tw/goo ...