寵物食品標籤沒列出的風險成分 - 狗

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-11-02T14:36

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自從我們家體驗過RF之後 我開始搜尋許多有關於犬類飲食的文章 文章也打得很亂

這陣子我都在看一個寵物真相網的資訊 裏頭有介紹許多飼料界的黑暗

以前我以為我功課做的很多 也一直都在看很多資訊,挑選飼料也都看其成分的優劣與排序做選擇

卻忽略了許多飼料裏頭的該注意的東西,網路有很多挑選飼料的方法 也很詳盡

但今天我在真相網裏頭看到名為 寵物食品標籤上沒有列出的風險成分

尤其是網頁裏頭的一篇魚粉保存添加的物的文章 讓我驚覺害了冬冬&MOMO




是天然的維他命E Vitamin E (tocopherol)

還是名為防腐劑的 (Ethoxyquin乙氧基??),

有一種天然的替代品(NaturOx)是用來保存魚粉的 也比較昂貴,通常使用的飼料商很少
歐奇斯的廠商 Castor & Pollux Pet Foods 則是使用這種方式

通常較為人知的是 天然的維他命E Vitamin E (tocopherol)



以下為該網站作者寫信給廠商詢問 魚肉魚粉如何保存,得到的廠商回復
給各位參考 要不要選擇含有防腐劑的魚肉魚粉飼料 看個人

看完之後,如果還要選擇這樣有疑慮的產品 那就是看個人了

Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) (鑽石飼料)
“all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Breeders-Choice – AvoDerm Natural Pet Food
“Breeder's Choice does not use ethoxyquin in any of it's foods. However, because it is found in the food chain, trace amounts cannot easily be eliminated.”

Blue Buffalo Pet Foods ( 台灣有售 布魯斯飼料)
“Fish meal is preserved naturally with Naturox.” (使用 Naturox來保存魚粉)

By Nature Pet Foods
“Fish meal is preserved with natural tocopherols.”

California Natural, Innova, Evo Pet Foods
“Fish meal is preserved with Vitamin E and mixed tocopherols.”

Canidae/Felidae Pet Foods (台灣有售:卡比使用Ethoxyquin防腐劑)
Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) “all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Castor & Pollux Pet Foods (Organix and Ultramix) (歐奇斯廠商 使用Naturox保存)
Fish meal is preserved with Naturox.”

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul Pet Foods (雞湯 使用ethoxyquin.”防腐劑)

Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) “all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Diamond Pet Foods 鑽石使用ethoxyquin.”防腐劑)
Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) “all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Evolve Natural Pet Foods
“Fish meal is preserved with mixed tocopherols.”

Flint River Ranch Pet Food
“Fish meal is flash frozen until time of manufacturing; no preservative needed.”

Fromm Family Pet Foods
“Fish meal is preserved with citric acid.”

Kumpi Pet Foods
“Fish meal is preserved with Naturox Plus.”

Merrick Pet Foods
“Fish meal preserved with mixed tocopherols.”

Natural Balance Pet Foods (台灣有售:使用ethoxyquin.”防腐劑)
Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) “all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Nature’s Logic Pet Food
“Fish meals are preserved with natural tocopherols and rosemary.”

Newman’s Own Pet Foods
“Fish meals preserved with Vitamin E.”

Petcurean Pet Foods (GO/NOW廠商用 天然維他命E)
“Fish Meal is preserved with Vitamin E.”

Premium Edge Pet Foods
Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) “all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Taste of the Wild Pet Foods (荒野? 使用ethoxyquin.防腐劑)
Per Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer) “all fish meal, ocean fish meal, and salmon meal ingredients are preserved with ethoxyquin.”

Timberwolf Organics Pet Foods
“Fish meal ingredients are preserved with Vitamin E.”

TLC Pet Foods
“Fish meal is preserved with tocopherols.”


All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-11-04T02:59
若無法連結 請找該網頁右邊的 Pet Food Ingredients後
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-11-07T23:47
的第21頁 找標題Risk Ingredients Not Listed on Pet....
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-11-09T08:40
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-11-13T02:22
推 飼料加工業背後有很多不為人知的秘密...
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-11-17T00:38
很有用的資訊, 貴的也不1定是好成分
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2012-11-18T18:11
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-11-21T05:42
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-11-24T20:02
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2012-11-25T19:31


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-11-02T11:29
家中的狗狗不愛吃潔牙骨 怎辦 雖然平時也都只讓他吃飼料 還是會擔心牙齒不健康 聽寵物店的小姐推銷 買了一包潔牙骨 發現他根本不喜歡吃 也不會 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-11-02T11:15
最近不知道為什麼,我家寶貝牠洗澡完不到一個禮拜狗味就會超級重 (其實稍微的狗味我是覺得可以接受)*** 我平時如果沒有必要我就比較少送去給�� ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-11-02T10:56
各位狗版的朋友大家好 平日在狗版承蒙大家給的豐富資訊 狗版真是太溫馨了~ 目前我為元智大學研究生 因學術需求,正在做寵物相關的研究調查 以下為� ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-11-02T10:45
騎車載狗的人一定要使用狗繩好嗎!! 不管你家的狗有多聽話,你永遠不知道它心中在想什麼!! 今天上班途中經過三民路和公園路口,看到一個阿� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-11-02T10:36
我養了兩隻吉娃娃,雖然有天天梳毛, 但家中還是有清理不完的毛!! 有用過滾輪、吸塵器了,但是滾輪用量太兇好傷荷包! 想請問網友們有沒有什麼�� ...