母狗結紮只摘卵巢? - 狗

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2015-05-24T21:31

Table of Contents

※ 引述《pooh1984 (Joanne)》之銘言:
: 來到中和左岸的微創手術進行結紮,
: 醫生告知結紮只會拿掉卵巢,
: 讓子宮自行萎縮
: 是這樣嗎?
: 我查資料怎麼都是要兩個一起拿?
: 可以請大家告訴我正確的結紮方式嗎?

Comparison of long-term effects of ovariectomy versus ovariohysterectomy in bi

Although ovariectomy is less invasive and less time-consuming than ovariohyste
rectomy, most surgical textbooks recommend ovariohysterectomy for routine neut
ering of bitches. This advice is probably based on concerns about the developm
ent of uterine disease after ovariectomy. However, there is no evidence that c
onditions such as cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH)-endometritis develop in
the ovariectomized bitch, unless progestagens are administered. The purpose o
f this study was therefore to compare the long-term effects of ovariectomy and
ovariohysterectomy, including the incidence of urinary incontinence. Question
naires were sent to 264 owners of bitches, in which ovariectomy (126) or ovari
ohysterectomy (138) had been performed as a routine neutering procedure 8-11 y
ears earlier. Complete data were available for 69 bitches of the ovariectomy g
roup and for 66 bitches from the ovariohysterectomy group. There were no indic
ations that endometritis had developed in bitches of the ovariectomy group. No
ne of the bitches was sexually attractive to male dogs after neutering. The oc
currence of a clear to white vaginal discharge was reported in two bitches of
each group, but none of these four bitches appeared to be ill during the perio
ds when the discharge was present. Furthermore, with the exception of urinary
incontinence, no problems were reported that could be related to the surgical
neutering. Six of the ovariectomized bitches and nine of the ovariohysterectom
ized bitches eventually developed urinary incontinence. Of these 15 bitches (1
1%), 12 weighed more than 20 kg. Bouvier des Flandres bitches were at a higher
risk of developing urinary incontinence than were those of the other breeds.
The possibility that the urinary incontinence was due at least in part to othe
r conditions must be considered, since eight of the bitches were 9 years or ol
der before urinary incontinence occurred and seven of the incontinent bitches
also had polyuria or polydipsia. There were no significant differences in the
incidence of urogenital problems listed above between the bitches of the ovari
ectomy and ovariohysterectomy group. It is hypothesized that a uterine disease
such as CEH-endometritis cannot develop after complete ovariectomy, unless pr
ogestagens are administered. The results of this study indicate that ovariecto
my does not increase the risk of CEH-endometritis or other complications in co
mparison with ovariohysterectomy. It is concluded that there is no indication
for removing the uterus during routine neutering in healthy bitches. On the co
ntrary, ovariectomy should be considered the procedure of choice.



All Comments

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2015-05-29T14:02
嗯嗯 快推 否則別人會以為我看不懂
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-06-02T18:38
也好歹翻譯重點一下 這裡又不是獸醫版
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-06-06T11:01
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-06-09T17:03
George avatar
By George
at 2015-06-13T01:32
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2015-06-14T07:26
你很厲害看得懂 但是如果你是想要分享給狗版的大家
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2015-06-18T17:51
Btw我不是獸醫 但我本身是看得懂的
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2015-06-22T16:17
kb09 我也看得懂啊 但我認為看得懂的人不會說出goog
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2015-06-27T07:23
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2015-06-30T19:42
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-07-04T22:29
你不翻譯好歹也寫點對於這篇原文或是這議題的看法 甚
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2015-07-06T12:57
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-07-08T22:07
kb09 大家來謝主隆恩
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-07-12T20:46
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2015-07-14T20:55
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-07-16T14:27
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2015-07-18T09:55
在歐洲OVE是主流, 台灣OHE是主流 但都是有效的結紮


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-05-24T18:02
之前幫我家大狗買了一款鮮食 裏面有附一包海藻粉 http://www.natural10.com.tw/products-2.html 我家狗一聞到那個海藻粉極~其~興~奮~ 因為它是真的很香 有點像海苔味 不過他們鮮食包真的太小包 我家狗一次可能要吃四包 想請問大家有沒有買過不錯的牌子 想單獨買海藻粉來拌 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-05-24T17:23
大家好,想請問有經驗或有獸醫知識的板友給予建議。 我家狗狗上週一直在搔癢,我約是上週三半夜抱起她時, 發現她身上有類似跳蚤的幾隻蟲,當下趕緊幫她洗澡且 吹乾毛,然後2天後也幫她噴了蚤不到,而且做環境清理, 但是搔癢的情況還是頻繁。 到了這週,約是週一開始,覺得狗狗的耳朵溫度很高, 以前都是涼涼的,鼻子也比 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2015-05-24T15:11
來到中和左岸的微創手術進行結紮, 醫生告知結紮只會拿掉卵巢, 讓子宮自行萎縮 是這樣嗎? 我查資料怎麼都是要兩個一起拿? 可以請大家告訴我正確的結紮方式嗎? -- Sent from my Android - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2015-05-24T14:14
平日進行動物救援都是自行誘捕送醫 較不親人無法進行誘捕的狗狗 偶爾會請世聯會幫忙使用吹箭捕捉 但今天是周日 世聯會急難救助只適用周1~5 貓狗119 台中人員也不在 全部都在台北支援 目前手邊有一隻腳受傷流了蠻多血的狗狗 平日都是我在餵他 但他不願意讓人太接近 請教一下台中那間獸醫有吹箭設 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-05-24T13:47
三月中,我們的幾位社員為了參加第二屆國際犬隻族群管理高峰會,前往歐洲考察,參考 各地的流浪動物現況,以及當地政府與民間團體的做法;途經東歐,接下來分頭轉往南歐 與東南亞,社員將旅途中的所見所聞記錄下來,希望能讓台灣更多人看見。 以下內文與文字轉貼自粉絲專頁 andlt;流浪者的流浪狗之歌andgt; ...