水草造景世界「水草缸中的瀑布」 - 水族
By Ophelia
at 2008-03-21T17:00
at 2008-03-21T17:00
Table of Contents
Creating Waterfalls in a Planted Aquarium
By Andrew Nunn
I was curious as to how the tank above, which took World Ranking 7 in the
Aqua Design Amano 2007 Aquascaping Contest created the waterfall illusion.
I had seen similar effects created by rising bubbles, but this seems to end
before reaching the surface, meaning it is created using a different method,
or there was a good deal of photo editing involved. However, a poster on
my blog tipped me off to a website (www.xylema.net) that explains exactly
how it was created, and it is quite creative.
Let's investigate how the effect is created. To start off, from
the initial impression, the illusion appears to be created using
rising bubbles that where either edited out with photo software, or
vacuumed away into a hidden cavern. I come to find out neither
were the case. Bubbles play a large role in the mechanics of the
illusion, but they are not what the viewer is seeing. Instead, the
viewer is observing a steady stream of falling sand. That's right, sand.
Through a cross section of the "waterfall” we can identify
how the sand is used for the effect. A tube and airstone blows
bubbles up through a hidden space behind a wall. This
creates a vacuum of bubbles that drives a water current towards to
the surface.
As the water rises, tiny grains of sand from a reservoir
are pulled into the vortex current. The sand grains move with the
water current and drift out through an opening near the top
of the wall, and fall back down the front side of the wall. A
strategically placed incline ramp at the base catches the falling
sand grains and returns them back into behind the scenes
reservoir. The cycle is repeated and the viewer sees an endless
cascading waterfall inside the aquarium.
This effect is not the most practical for everyday use. A very
fine sand must be used in order for it to be lift with the current.
The falling sand is affected greatly by other currents inside
the tank, and it will inevitably fall outside of the reservoir. With a
filter running, it would probably blow the falling sand everywhere
else in your aquarium. I'm sure much tweaking is necessary to
find the best type of sand suited for this application, and what size
space behind the wall works best.
How the sand is ejected from the top of the bubble column is
also probably a problem area that requires a lot of attention and
adjustment. It's hard to tell from the diagram, but the bubble
column space most likely extends above the water line. This forces
the water pulled up by the bubbles out the sand-ejection
opening. Otherwise, the sand would continue to follow the
current of bubbles and water up and out the top of the column
(and you'd have a messy volcano effect instead of a waterfall!). The
final effect, if done correctly, looks absolutely stunning in
aquascaped planted aquarium.
不給建議還只會說一些風涼話 好像不酸別人他會覺得混身不對勁
如果有機會的再去收集來看看! 最後是這本雜誌是免費下載的
451 243 457 World of WarlockCraft
451 @ @
║╰●╯ \●/ \●/ 菈菲希亞
├ν▼﹀~~~~~~~︿( ~ )︿ Night Wind @ World Tree
║ ▲ 〈 〉
ψff760725 @ ptt & bahamut Nobody can fear you but yourself only.
Creating Waterfalls in a Planted Aquarium
By Andrew Nunn
I was curious as to how the tank above, which took World Ranking 7 in the
Aqua Design Amano 2007 Aquascaping Contest created the waterfall illusion.
I had seen similar effects created by rising bubbles, but this seems to end
before reaching the surface, meaning it is created using a different method,
or there was a good deal of photo editing involved. However, a poster on
my blog tipped me off to a website (www.xylema.net) that explains exactly
how it was created, and it is quite creative.
Let's investigate how the effect is created. To start off, from
the initial impression, the illusion appears to be created using
rising bubbles that where either edited out with photo software, or
vacuumed away into a hidden cavern. I come to find out neither
were the case. Bubbles play a large role in the mechanics of the
illusion, but they are not what the viewer is seeing. Instead, the
viewer is observing a steady stream of falling sand. That's right, sand.
Through a cross section of the "waterfall” we can identify
how the sand is used for the effect. A tube and airstone blows
bubbles up through a hidden space behind a wall. This
creates a vacuum of bubbles that drives a water current towards to
the surface.
As the water rises, tiny grains of sand from a reservoir
are pulled into the vortex current. The sand grains move with the
water current and drift out through an opening near the top
of the wall, and fall back down the front side of the wall. A
strategically placed incline ramp at the base catches the falling
sand grains and returns them back into behind the scenes
reservoir. The cycle is repeated and the viewer sees an endless
cascading waterfall inside the aquarium.
This effect is not the most practical for everyday use. A very
fine sand must be used in order for it to be lift with the current.
The falling sand is affected greatly by other currents inside
the tank, and it will inevitably fall outside of the reservoir. With a
filter running, it would probably blow the falling sand everywhere
else in your aquarium. I'm sure much tweaking is necessary to
find the best type of sand suited for this application, and what size
space behind the wall works best.
How the sand is ejected from the top of the bubble column is
also probably a problem area that requires a lot of attention and
adjustment. It's hard to tell from the diagram, but the bubble
column space most likely extends above the water line. This forces
the water pulled up by the bubbles out the sand-ejection
opening. Otherwise, the sand would continue to follow the
current of bubbles and water up and out the top of the column
(and you'd have a messy volcano effect instead of a waterfall!). The
final effect, if done correctly, looks absolutely stunning in
aquascaped planted aquarium.
不給建議還只會說一些風涼話 好像不酸別人他會覺得混身不對勁
如果有機會的再去收集來看看! 最後是這本雜誌是免費下載的
451 243 457 World of WarlockCraft
451 @ @
║╰●╯ \●/ \●/ 菈菲希亞
├ν▼﹀~~~~~~~︿( ~ )︿ Night Wind @ World Tree
║ ▲ 〈 〉
ψff760725 @ ptt & bahamut Nobody can fear you but yourself only.
All Comments
By Joseph
at 2008-03-25T06:32
at 2008-03-25T06:32
By Mia
at 2008-03-26T19:26
at 2008-03-26T19:26
By Poppy
at 2008-03-27T07:55
at 2008-03-27T07:55
By Yedda
at 2008-03-31T07:41
at 2008-03-31T07:41
By Audriana
at 2008-04-03T23:07
at 2008-04-03T23:07
By Jessica
at 2008-04-07T23:59
at 2008-04-07T23:59
By Yedda
at 2008-04-11T22:19
at 2008-04-11T22:19
By Victoria
at 2008-04-16T04:57
at 2008-04-16T04:57
By Kristin
at 2008-04-18T04:15
at 2008-04-18T04:15
By Ophelia
at 2008-04-22T19:54
at 2008-04-22T19:54
By Charlotte
at 2008-04-25T10:44
at 2008-04-25T10:44
By Erin
at 2008-04-28T06:15
at 2008-04-28T06:15
By Susan
at 2008-04-29T06:38
at 2008-04-29T06:38
By Xanthe
at 2008-04-30T17:44
at 2008-04-30T17:44
By Belly
at 2008-05-02T00:28
at 2008-05-02T00:28
By Jake
at 2008-05-02T14:08
at 2008-05-02T14:08
By Mia
at 2008-05-06T23:10
at 2008-05-06T23:10
By Olive
at 2008-05-09T18:17
at 2008-05-09T18:17
By Hedy
at 2008-05-11T23:58
at 2008-05-11T23:58
By Gary
at 2008-05-14T01:54
at 2008-05-14T01:54
By Mary
at 2008-05-18T14:27
at 2008-05-18T14:27
By Bethany
at 2008-05-21T12:21
at 2008-05-21T12:21
By Jake
at 2008-05-25T02:51
at 2008-05-25T02:51
By Hedwig
at 2008-05-30T02:25
at 2008-05-30T02:25
By Rachel
at 2008-06-02T08:05
at 2008-06-02T08:05
By Faithe
at 2008-06-02T22:07
at 2008-06-02T22:07
By Dora
at 2008-06-05T04:29
at 2008-06-05T04:29
By Daph Bay
at 2008-06-07T05:54
at 2008-06-07T05:54
By Oscar
at 2008-06-11T11:08
at 2008-06-11T11:08
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