英文高手幫忙翻譯一下..急))) - 狗

Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-12-25T00:00

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拜託 英文高手幫忙翻譯一下!!!! thanks a lot!!


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Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-12-29T20:52
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report, the study found that people who keep dogs, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, in general, are normal; researchers believe that this may be due to dog owners need to constantly walk the dog, it makes the body More healthy. In addition, the study also found that dog owners than cat owners, and the resulting benefits may be more; they found that dog owners not only less ill, more health, researchers are unable to clearly explain why, Can only speculate that it might be more dogs than cats to relieve the pressure on people; and, walking the dog is a dog is a very important advantage, because the dog for a walk will not only help with the movement of people and dogs, but also can promote social opportunities for dog owners Enhance relationships dog owners, and if so it seems, dogs seem to benefit quite a bit.
According to our survey in the hundreds of passersby, many reasons, so that everyone would like a dog, such as: species, size, color, cute ... and so the same time, the mass media in our report also shows that we are raising because of artists and film Effect caused a sensation dogs, but also because of these factors, those who follow the popular mood or a moment tolerate those who abandon the cruel and tragic. Although the above reasons we will be away for breeding dogs, but dogs are still many benefits to humanity's Oh! Dogs can be seen not just our human companionship, loyalty, protect ..., and some also helps the human body health!
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-12-29T06:18
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report, studies found that dog owners in general blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal; researchers believe this is may be due to dog owners needs to frequently walk their dogs, thus makes their body healthier. In addition studies also found that dog owners compare to cat owners may have more benefits; research found that dog owners not only have less illness and are healthier.Researchers currently are unable to clearly explain why, they can only speculate that it might be dogs compare to cats can relieve more stress off people, furthermore walking the dog is a very important advantage because walking the dog not only can help the dog owners to exercise with their dogs, and also increase the opportunities of social interaction thus increase the human relationship of dog owners. From the above studies rearing dogs can get quite a lot of benefits. According to our survey reports from hundreds of passersby, there are many reasons to why everybody wants to keep dog, such as: species, size, color, cute etc... Concurrently the public media report shown entertainment artistes who keep dogs and movies may cause a trend in keeping dog. Because of this reason , those who keep dogs are not really wants to keep dogs but just want to follow the trend thus causing dogs to be cruelly and tragically abandon afterward.Although many people may keep dogs due to the above reasons but actually keeping dogs still have a lot of benefits and advantages.From this we can see that dogs to us are not only our human companion, loyalty, protect and guard etc...Some also contribute to human health!
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-12-27T02:00
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report, the study found that people who keep dogs, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, in general, are normal; researchers believe that this may be due to dog owners need to constantly walk the dog, it makes the body More healthy. In addition, the study also found that dog owners than cat owners, and the resulting benefits may be more; they found that dog owners not only less ill, more health, researchers are unable to clearly explain why, Can only speculate that it might be more dogs than cats to relieve the pressure on people; and, walking the dog is a dog is a very important advantage, because the dog for a walk will not only help with the movement of people and dogs, but also can promote social opportunities for dog owners Enhance relationships dog owners, and if so it seems, dogs seem to benefit quite a bit.
According to our survey in the hundreds of passersby, many reasons, so that everyone would like a dog, such as: species, size, color, cute ... and so the same time, the mass media in our report also shows that we are raising because of artists and film Effect caused a sensation dogs, but also because of these factors, those who follow the popular mood or a moment tolerate those who abandon the cruel and tragic. Although the above reasons we will be away for breeding dogs, but dogs are still many benefits to humanity's Oh! Dogs can be seen not just our human companionship, loyalty, protect ..., and some also helps the human body health!
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-12-28T00:33
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report, the study found that people who keep dogs, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, in general, are normal; researchers believe that this may be due to dog owners need to constantly walk the dog, it makes the body more healthy. In addition, the study also found that dog owners than cat owners, and the resulting benefits may be more; they found that dog owners not only less ill, more health, researchers are unable to clearly explain why, can only speculate that it might be more dogs than cats to relieve the pressure on people; and, walking the dog is a dog is a very important advantage, because the dog for a walk will not only help with the movement of people and dogs, but also can promote social opportunities for dog owners enhance relationships dog owners, and if so it seems, dogs seem to benefit quite a bit.
According to our survey hundreds of passersby, many reasons, so that everyone would like a dog, such as: species, size, color, cute ... and so the same time, the mass media in our report also shows that we are raising because of artists and film effect caused a sensation dogs, but also because of these factors, those who follow the popular mood or a moment tolerate those who abandon the cruel and tragic. Although the above reasons we will be away for breeding dogs, but dogs are still many benefits to humanity's Oh! Dogs can be seen not just our human companionship, loyalty, protect ..., and some also helps the human body health!

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-12-29T12:03
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report, the study found that people who keep dogs, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, in general, are normal; researchers believe that this may be due to dog owners need to constantly walk the dog, it makes the body More healthy. In addition, the study also found that dog owners than cat owners, and the resulting benefits may be more; they found that dog owners not only less ill, more health, researchers are unable to clearly explain why, Can only speculate that it might be more dogs than cats to relieve the pressure on people; and, walking the dog is a dog is a very important advantage, because the dog for a walk will not only help with the movement of people and dogs, but also can promote social opportunities for dog owners Enhance relationships dog owners, and if so it seems, dogs seem to benefit quite a bit.
According to our survey in the hundreds of passersby, many reasons, so that everyone would like a dog, such as: species, size, color, cute ... and so the same time, the mass media in our report also shows that we are raising because of artists and film Effect caused a sensation dogs, but also because of these factors, those who follow the popular mood or a moment tolerate those who abandon the cruel and tragic. Although the above reasons we will be away for breeding dogs, but dogs are still many benefits to humanity's Oh! Dogs can be seen not just our human companionship, loyalty, protect ..., and some also helps the human body health!


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-12-24T00:00
前幾天心臟病忽� ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-12-23T00:00
忽然一隻狗從�� ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-12-23T00:00
12/22下午4點多我帶著家裡ㄉ狗狗現年9歲去寵物美容店洗澡..不到1H.寵物店突然來電告訴我我家狗狗已經休克並送往 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-12-23T00:00
但是因為我還是個 小孩子吧 ?
我養的是那種灰色的 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-12-22T00:00
我�� ...