豬鼻蛇有劇毒? - 爬蟲類

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2005-08-06T22:15

Table of Contents


hognose snake
Any of several thick-bodied, nonvenomous North American snakes
of the genus Heterodon having an upturned snout. Also called
puff adder.

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Hognose is a type of snake.

Hognose snakes are part of the family Colubridae and the genus
Heterodon. Common nicknames for Hognose snakes include "Puff
Adder", the "Blowing Adder", the "Flathead", "Spreading Adder",
and the "Hissing Adder". Please note though, the nickname "Puff
Adder" is only a nickname, and is not scientifically correct as
there is a different, highly-venomous snake called the Puff
Adder that resides in Africa. Many people fear these snakes due
to the snakes' nature to spread their hoods as if they were
cobras, hiss loudly, and strike. Hognose snakes, however, will
not generally bite in self-defense, but rather resort to the
methods listed above to scare away predators.

Several species of Hognose snakes exist, such as:

Western Hognose Heterodon nasicus
Eastern Hognose Heterodon platyrhinos
Southern Hognose Heterdon simus

※ 編輯: prince 來自: (08/06 22:24)
foldcat:研究了很久...意思就是說沒毒囉~~THANKS 08/06

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2005-08-10T02:20


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2005-08-06T21:34
豬鼻蛇有劇毒???????? 哪個店家說的? 這個D家大概是沒進豬鼻蛇,所以打擊同業吧。 -- ~Heaven Knows - ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2005-08-06T17:01
昨晚被 Hachi 的夢幻睡姿嚇到了,牠竟然可以跳到小橫桿上, (因為原本是養小老鼠的箱子,所以有裝滾輪的橫桿), 雙腳像在練瑜珈一般盤起來,這樣子睡了一晚: http://photo.xuite.net/canaco/223103/22.jpg http://photo.xuite.net/canaco/ ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2005-08-06T16:48
※ 引述《iloveMom (我愛我媽媽^^)》之銘言: : 我的小鬆獅蜥『丟丟』脫皮了! : 據我的觀察, : 他食量有變大,警戒心也有比較高, : 請問大家,在我家『丟丟』脫皮的這段時間, : 有需要注意什麼事情嗎? 我的 Hachi 前幾天也脫皮,這些是牠脫皮的相關照片: http://photo.x ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2005-08-06T03:16
在網路上看到這一篇: http://www.kmuh.org.tw/www/kmcj/data/9006/4726.htm 不知道看到飛蟲就張口大啖美食的蜥蜴, 會因為吃了隱翅蟲而引起口腔食道的潰爛紅腫嗎? - ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2005-08-05T23:22
※ 引述《iloveMom (我愛我媽媽^^)》之銘言: : 我的小鬆獅蜥『丟丟』脫皮了! : 據我的觀察, : 他食量有變大,警戒心也有比較高, : 請問大家,在我家『丟丟』脫皮的這段時間, : 有需要注意什麼事情嗎? 脫皮很快就結束了,可以噴點水在牠身上,不然不用管牠也沒關係, 健康的鬆獅蜥是會很正常脫完 ...