這是真的假的,求證實 - 貓

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2021-01-29T10:14

Table of Contents

※ 引述《z739 (極)》之銘言:
: https://i.imgur.com/oXdfje9.jpg
: 剛剛刷斗音看到的
: 不知道是真的假的
: 各位貓咪吃go有出問題嗎
: 我家吃go挺好的


Thank you so much for taking the time to get in touch about your concerns. I c
an assure you that Petcurean takes quality control and customer concerns very
seriously. Our stringent quality control process and thoroughness in investiga
ting consumer inquiries reflect our overriding concern for the safety, health,
and well-being of pets. We apply the same care and attention to detail in eve
rything we do.

The authorized distributor for Taiwan is Super Coddle (click here to view thei
r info). I can also assure that we are working diligently with our Chinese dis
tributor to determine the scope of the inquiries here. Petcurean conducts spec
ific testing on all of our recipes to ensure toxins are not present. This incl
udes a wide variety of tests on incoming ingredients and final products, inclu
ding mycotoxins and pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli. In addi
tion to our own rigorous testing, Petcurean meets or exceeds governmental stan
dards for pet food in Canada, the United States, and more than 35 other countr
ies where our food is sold including many European Union countries that have s
ome of the strictest regulations in the world. It is important to note that ea
ch batch is tested to ensure it falls within our standards before being shippe
d. We also track all incidents closely should any trends develop.





All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2021-01-30T01:35
對岸進口了才分裝 誰知道會不會混甚麼來減少成本
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2021-01-30T05:23


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-01-29T07:50
如題 之前養了一隻浪浪 最近天冷都抓貓咪跟我一起睡覺到天亮 他都沒有跑走 滿驚訝的~ 不過帶他到客廳他還是不太熟悉 想問各位 跟貓咪睡覺有助於增進感情嗎 她會知道我陪她睡/他陪我睡? - ...

"中國爆發進口毒貓糧風波 上千愛貓上吐

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2021-01-29T01:36
新聞 and#34;中國爆發進口毒貓糧風波 上千愛貓上吐下瀉甚至死亡 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報 and#34; https://news.ltn.com.tw/amp/news/world/breakingnews/3424661 內文指出是go的飼料,不知道台灣有沒有進這款,不過還是請大家注意 --- ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-01-29T01:30
剛好該幫主子補貨,看到汪喵星球的無膠主食罐165g Momo特價一箱12入718元,換算下來 一罐將近60元,還算便宜的趕緊下單~ 不過口味只有四種,習慣吃其他口味的主子們就委屈了。 傳送門:https://reurl.cc/NXpZEp https://i.imgur.com/7KrkTib.jpg ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-01-29T01:12
文章超級長...近四千字... 貓版首po,已讀版規 貓主人性格(?)在第一章紅字 貓主人自述在第五章後半黃字 其他求助部分在第六章 沒興趣看內文的請左轉或我努力精簡下面的這段懶人包 總之就是有個不太管貓、但也不算放養模式的常不在家主人 她的兩隻貓出來趴趴造+從窗戶出來就回不去了 (此兩隻貓已出來“流浪 ...

二手 皇家ER28早期腎臟病飼料

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2021-01-28T21:44
物品名稱:法國皇家ER28貓用處方早期腎臟病配方飼料 尺寸大小:約3kg(原本3.5kg 到期日:2022/1/26 商品描述: 本來家裡的貓都吃皇家腎處方,想說 換早期的吃看看(醫生診斷是早期建議 吃腎處方的)結果貓咪完全不賞臉… 售價:700 交貨方式:好賣家/賣貨便/拍賣平台(需手續費)/屏東 ...