鳥吃到巧克力了...Q.Qa - 鳥
By Gilbert
at 2005-01-28T23:42
at 2005-01-28T23:42
Table of Contents
※ 引述《dadadadadada (屁屁達NN   )》之銘言:
: 是這樣的
: 一覺起來 發現床邊的巧克力少了一小塊 被小鳥偷吃了...
: 之前不知看板說吃到巧克力不好...?
: 是真的嗎 如果是 請問要怎麼處理阿?
Many bird owners have heard the warning about chocolate, but
it's worth repeating. "Chocolate contains a compound called
theobromine, which is like caffeine in that it is a stimula-
nt," explained Natalie Antinoff DVM, an exotic-only veterin-
arian in Houston, Texas. In high enough quantities, chocola-
te can cause birds to suffer heart problems, depression, re-
gurgitation, seizures, liver damage and even death.
"Since the consistency of chocolate is so thick, it is not e-
asily flushed out if a bird does eat it," Dr.Antioff siad. C-
hocolate candy is also bad vecause of its high sugar levels.
Even a small bite of a chocolate could be harmful to your bi-
rd "A bird's body weight is much less than ours, so it takes
a lot smaller volumes to cause equal signs os illness," noted
Dr.Speer. "If your 400-grams Amazon eats one small square of
chocolate, that would be the equivalent of a human being eat-
ing a 10-pound bar of chocolate. If you eat 10-pound of choc-
olate you will have the same clinical signs as your Amazon p-
arrot that ate one snall square of chocolate."
節錄自Bird Talk一月號seite 46.
※ 編輯: iynpkkp3 來自: (01/28 23:44)
: 是這樣的
: 一覺起來 發現床邊的巧克力少了一小塊 被小鳥偷吃了...
: 之前不知看板說吃到巧克力不好...?
: 是真的嗎 如果是 請問要怎麼處理阿?
Many bird owners have heard the warning about chocolate, but
it's worth repeating. "Chocolate contains a compound called
theobromine, which is like caffeine in that it is a stimula-
nt," explained Natalie Antinoff DVM, an exotic-only veterin-
arian in Houston, Texas. In high enough quantities, chocola-
te can cause birds to suffer heart problems, depression, re-
gurgitation, seizures, liver damage and even death.
"Since the consistency of chocolate is so thick, it is not e-
asily flushed out if a bird does eat it," Dr.Antioff siad. C-
hocolate candy is also bad vecause of its high sugar levels.
Even a small bite of a chocolate could be harmful to your bi-
rd "A bird's body weight is much less than ours, so it takes
a lot smaller volumes to cause equal signs os illness," noted
Dr.Speer. "If your 400-grams Amazon eats one small square of
chocolate, that would be the equivalent of a human being eat-
ing a 10-pound bar of chocolate. If you eat 10-pound of choc-
olate you will have the same clinical signs as your Amazon p-
arrot that ate one snall square of chocolate."
節錄自Bird Talk一月號seite 46.
※ 編輯: iynpkkp3 來自: (01/28 23:44)
推 sallyc:嗯..千萬要小心別讓鳥兒吃到不該吃的東西댠 01/29
推 dadadadadada:看的好累...@.@a 英文有待加強..^^a 01/29
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