麻煩翻譯一下!!謝謝唷.... - 寵物

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2005-09-22T00:00

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The student's father was very happu when he read this, and sent Lassie, his dog, and £100 to his son the next day.
Of course,the son spent the £ 100 on having a good time with his friends, and four weeks later, when he had finished it all, he wrote to his father again,saying,"Professor Jones says that Lassie is a very good pupil, and she has learned to speak quite well now. If you send two hundred more pounds,the professor will also thach her to read and write."
Tags: 寵物

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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2005-09-26T02:22
The student's father was very happu (應該是happy) when he read this, and sent Lassie, his dog, and £100 to his son the next day.
學生的父親讀了信之後很高興, 於是隔天就把他的狗 Lassie 和一百元英鎊寄給了他兒子.
Of course,the son spent the £ 100 on having a good time with his friends, and four weeks later, when he had finished it all, he wrote to his father again,saying,"Professor Jones says that Lassie is a very good pupil, and she has learned to speak quite well now. If you send two hundred more pounds,the professor will also thach (應該是teach) her to read and write."
當然他兒子把那100元英鎊拿來和朋友玩樂, 四個星期之後, 他兒子把錢花完了, 於是又寫了封信給他父親說, "Jones 教授說 Lassie 是個好學生, 她現在學說話已經學的很好了歐. 如果你再多寄200元英鎊來, 教授會教她讀書和寫字."
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2005-09-26T09:07
The student's father was very happy when he read this, and sent Lassie, his dog, and £100 to his son the next day. 當學生的父親看到這信他非常高興,而且在第二天送他的狗Lassie給他及100英鎊。Of course,the son spent the £100 on having a good time with his friends, and four weeks later, when he had finished it all, 當然,他的兒子跟他的朋友用那100英鎊享受歡樂時光,四星期後,徹底花光了。he wrote to his father again, saying, "Professor Jones says that Lassie is a very good pupil, and she has learned to speak quite well now. 他又去信給他父親說:「Jones教授說Lassie是一個非常好的學生,而且牠學會了說話。If you send two hundred more pounds, the professor will also teach her to read and write." 如果你能再寄200英鎊更多的話,教授亦將會教牠寫和讀。


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2005-09-21T00:00
好熱放一 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2005-09-21T00:00
都� ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2005-09-19T00:00


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2005-09-19T00:00
Update:< ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2005-09-19T00:00
3.他9月初去剃毛~那大概多久以後會長 ...