[英文]請懂英文的人幫我中翻英好嗎? - 狗

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2005-11-10T00:00

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麻煩大家囉 內容如下~
我收到你的回信了 好高興喔 我晚上會睡不著覺喔 你現在應該在工作吧
最近生意好嗎? 麥可還有在生你們的氣嗎? 你送我的狗 我每天都跟他睡覺喔 真的好想你喔 我不會忘記你的 相信我 有空我也會打電話給你 不知道下次什麼時候才會見到你 但我一定會等待那一天 我會教你中文 但你也要教我英文或泰文喔
我最近常常都到處去玩 但是現在就要開始上班了 我在Honda工作 你的汽車好像也是Honda的是嗎? 我忘記了 ~~~哈哈哈 你要記得有一個人在想你在愛你喔 Lin

All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2005-11-10T19:00
I got your mail. I'm so happy. I couldn't even fall asleep at night due to the excitement. Are you working now? How is the business? Is Michael still pissed at you? I sleep with the dog which you gave me every day. I really want to see you again. I will not forget about you. I promise. I don't know when will we see each other again and i'm really looking foward to it. I will teach you Chinesse. You must teach me Tai too. I have been hanging around recently but now i have to start working. I work for Honda company. Is your car honda too? I forgot...hahahahaha Remember, there is someone here miss ya and love ya!
- Lin
2005-11-10 01:59:21 補充:
先生...你是用翻譯軟體翻的吧? 太恐怖了...
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2005-11-10T23:14
Dear Ed:

I feel so happy to receive your reply! Because of it, I even can't fall asleep at night.
Are you busy working now? How’s everything in your business? Does Michael still get mad at you? Thanks for giving the dog to me. I have slept with it every single night. I miss you too much to forget about you. Believe me, I will call you whenever I have any chance. Never know when I will see you again, but I am waiting the day comes. ‘till the day comes, I would teach you Chinese. Hopefully, you'd also kindly teach me English and Thai.
I have hung around recently, but I have to get back to work now.
I work for Honda. Seems your car is Honda... I barely recall it ~~~Hahaha.
You got to note that someone is missing and loving you.
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2005-11-12T12:02
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2005-11-12T12:04
I received you reply so happy I evening to be able to sleep
you now to be supposed recently to thrive in the work? Mai K'ohuan has
is living your gas? You deliver me the dog I to sleep every day with
him oh really well thought your oh I cannot forget you believed I have
empty me also to be able to make the phone call to you not to know
when the next time only then will meet you but I certainly to be able
to wait for that day I could teach you Chinese but you also to want to
teach me English or Thai language I recently frequently all
everywhere play but the present to have to start to go to work I to
work your automobile in Honda to look like also was Honda right? I had
forgotten ~~~ ha ha breathes out you to have to remember has a person
to think you are loving you


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2005-11-09T00:00
我這主人卻老是要跟著狗跑...= =and#34;
andgt;///andlt;謝謝 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2005-11-09T00:00
最近一直有個念頭就是在養隻and#34;臘腸狗and#34;身體長長腳短短的模樣...挺可愛的...我目前飼養一隻米格魯...蠻好� ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2005-11-09T00:00
告訴我你�� ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2005-11-09T00:00
所以只好先帶回� ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2005-11-08T00:00
Update ...