(急)我看不懂這段英文,請大大幫忙 - 寵物

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2012-11-23T00:00

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Don't tell Cindy Hamilton that her poodle Marcy is just a dog. As Cindy will quickly tell you, Marcy is a full member of the family. Dressed in style,she goes everywhere with the family.Indeed ,from designer clothes to luxury hotels,pets can have it all these days.It's not a bad time to be a furry friends.
In many countries, it's common to see people out on the town with their pets.Sometimes,animals are dressed better than their master.Thanks to a booming pet wear industry,your dog,cat,mouse,or bird has more fashion choices than ever.Store shelves are filled with fancy coats,shoes,dresses,and collars.
To help a pet look his or her best,grooming services can give your little buddy a gorgeous haircut.After spending an afternoon at a pet spa,why not go out for a bite to eat ? Some even have special menus so you can order something to eat for your dog!
Tags: 寵物

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Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-11-27T14:13
Don't tell Cindy Hamilton that her poodle Marcy is just a dog. As Cindy will quickly tell you, Marcy is a full member of the family. Dressed in style, she goes everywhere with the family. Indeed ,from designer clothes to luxury hotels, pets can have it all these days. It’s not a bad time to be a furry friends. 別跟Cindy Hamilton說她的貴賓狗Marcy只是隻狗。因為 Cindy會迅速回你,Marcy是家中的正式成員。牠打扮時髦隨著一家人四處溜達。事實上,從名牌服飾到豪華住宿,現代的寵物通通可以擁有。當一個毛茸茸的動物朋友正是不錯的時候。
In many countries, it's common to see people out on the town with their pets.Sometimes,animals are dressed better than their master.Thanks to a booming pet wear industry,your dog,cat,mouse,or bird has more fashion choices than ever. Store shelves are filled with fancy oats,shoes,dresses,and collars. 在許多國家,普遍可以看到民眾帶著寵物尋歡作樂。有時,動物的打扮比主人更加隆重。拜蒸蒸日上的寵物衣著業所賜,你的貓狗鼠鳥比起從前有更多的流行選擇。商店貨架上擺滿了飼料、衣、鞋和項圈。
To help a pet look his or her best, grooming services can give your little buddy a gorgeous haircut. After spending an afternoon at a pet spa, why not go out for a bite to eat ? Some even have special menus so you can order something to eat for your dog! 為了幫寵物展現牠最美的一面,寵物美容可以幫你的小麻吉來個變裝修毛。花了一整個下午做寵物水療之後,何不來點什麼東西吃?有些甚至還有特別的菜單讓你可以幫小狗叫些吃的!
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-11-23T10:44
別告訴辛蒂漢密爾頓她貴賓犬馬西是只是一條狗。辛蒂很快會告訴你,馬西是家庭的完整成員。她穿著樣式,與家人去世界各地。事實上,從到豪華酒店的設計師服飾,寵物可以有它所有這些天。它不是很壞的時間才能毛茸茸的朋友。在許多國家,它是常見的情況是他們的寵物與鎮上見人。有時,動物都打扮得比他們的主人更好。蓬勃發展的寵物磨損由於行業、 您的狗、 貓、 滑鼠或鳥已比以往任何時候更多的時尚選擇。商店貨架上充滿花式大衣、 鞋、 衣服、 和項圈。説明寵物看看他或她最好,梳理服務可以給您小小的好友一個華麗的髮型。在寵物 spa 花了一個下午後, 為什麼不出去吃點東西?有的甚至有特殊功能表使您可以訂購您的狗吃的東西 !


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-11-22T00:00
備膳部分還在訓練中我覺得� ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2012-11-20T00:00
我家and#34;冬瓜and#34;只會對我家老頭~叫~叫的特別嚴重.....傷腦筋!~他ㄖ理萬機.工作繁忙.朝5晚7回!已累的像狗似的�� ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-11-19T00:00
不管是針對我還 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-11-19T00:00
有在懷疑他是不是在發情他� ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-11-19T00:00